Monday, March 26, 2007

Unwind in Cumuruxatiba

Some people may think we are completely crazy to cover the distance between Salvador de Bahia and Rio de Janeiro by bus (about 1400 kms, and the airtickets are as cheap as the bustickets). In reality, we had a good reason to suffer twice 24 hours travelling by road: that reason was called "Cumuru" - a place where it is said that tiredness suddendly diseappears (That's probably also the feeling Vasco da Gama and his sailing crew had when he as first European set his feet on Brasil 500 years ago, at less than 10 kms north of Cumuru). One lies at low tide in the middle of a huge sandy reef, under the clear starlight of the Milkyway, and respires pure air from the Southern Atlantic. Old people there are said to get younger every day thanks to the magic black sand (apparently radioactive...).

So we planned some time for the little paradise at Nancy's to bumble about for a while and recover. As it finally turned out, we did so many activities and tasted so much fresh and exotic seafood in one week, that we cannot remember all (the special cachaça of Bernard helped for the wanted lack in our memories). We will never forget the kindness of Nancy, the shells of Solange, Bernard's passion for fishhunting and his huge experience with nature, the jogg with the Jack Russel puppy Olive, the galops between the colourful sandcliffs and the sea on Andrea's horses, and the neverending show of the sea, where the tidal breaths and the sunlight constantly played to create one nicer picture than the other.
(... see photo set).

No waves in Cumuru, no problem! We had already freed ourselves from our surfboards in Salvador, where we contributed to the charity project Surf Solidario for the misfortunate local kids.


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